Thursday, August 26, 2010

Scent Control

Scent control is very important when hunting. Here are several things that I do to help control my scent so that way I can get closer to bucks:
1) I wash all of my hunting clothes & accessories (gloves, hats, socks, etc) with a scent free, or dirt scented laundry detergent, and use Hunters Specialties "Fresh Earth" dryer sheets.
2) Once I wash & dry my clothes, I don't just hang them up or fold them & put them in a dresser. I have a "scent free" bag that I keep all of them in. I put a couple of scent wafers in the bag & I spray all of the clothes with scent spray before putting them in it. (My favorite scent is Fresh Earth.)
3) I don't like to put all of my camo on until after I get out of the truck on our hunting land. I usually just put on my base layer & take my bag of clothes with me to put on once I am out of the truck. Then I spray myself down with scent-away before heading to my stand.
4) Another thing that is very important, is that YOU are as clean & as scent free as possible. I shower with the scent-away shampoos & soaps, & even use the scent-away body gels, deodorant, toothpaste & mouthwash, & chapstick.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

More shooting tips

I just thought I would share some more bow shooting tips since Bow season is less than a month away now!

1) When you practice shooting, shoot at a smaller dot on your target. It will make you a better shot than if you shoot at the bigger ones. I always shoot better at the smaller ones anyways because I have to concentrate harder on it.

2) One thing that I try to never do is shoot my bow when I'm tired or sleepy. I never shoot good when I do, and it usually just makes me develop bad habits.

3) This one kind of ties in with #2: I always quit shooting my bow if my arm starts to get shaky. It just makes me shoot worse & develop bad habits. One thing I've done that helps me with not getting shaky as quick is I only shoot 2 arrows at a time. I used to shoot 3, but I found that I always was a little shaky by the time I shot the 3rd arrow & wouldn't shoot as good. (I'm weak, I

4) Try this to see if you are pulling too much weight with your bow: Get your bow and sit down in a chair. Pull your feet up to where they aren't touching the ground & pull your bow back. If you struggle too much or can't get it back, then you are pulling too much weight. I only shoot about 45 lbs and really all you need is 40! I would hate to be in a tree stand and have a big buck walk by and not be able to pull back my bow!

Well, that's all for now! Email me with any questions you have @ If I don't have the answer for your question, I will find someone who does!

Friday, August 13, 2010


Jared & I love shooting our bows together. (I'm the one on the right) He also fletched some arrows for me with hot pink & camo fletchings, which I love :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Fall Classic

It's kinda hard to see, but those little people up there are Lee & Tiffany!! We got to see them at Bass Pro this weekend! I also got a SHE Outdoor Apparel fleece jacket & pant that I Love for only $49 a piece. I'm pretty excited to wear them in early bow season (which starts Sept. 15th here...not too far away!) A couple of things I love about them is that they are so comfortable and easy to move in! I think you can only get them at Bass Pro, so if you want them I suggest heading over to BP before the classic is over on the 22nd!