Friday, December 17, 2010


I LOVE this release! {Tru-Fire Edge Buckle Foldback Pink}
I just got this new release from Tru Fire the other day & love it! I'm already shooting better groups now that I started using it.
A few things I love about it:
1) It's PINK!
2) The length is adjustable up to 1 inch
3) I love the foldback option and that it has a buckle instead of velcro. My old release was velcro and didn't fold back. I couldn't decide if it was worse to put the release on before I went to the stand and clank it on the ladder the whole way up, or to put the release on in the stand, and make a lot of noise with the velcro. Guess now I don't have to worry about either!
They also make this in other camo patterns. Go to their website to look at the other styles & color options.

Core 4

I guess one way to tell that SHE clothing is good stuff is if your husband wants to steal it. He already stole my SHE hat, now he is wanting some Core 4 for himself! We went hunting the other day in a ground blind and he almost froze in the most expensive hunting clothing you can buy for men. I stayed nice and warm in my Core 4, so now he's convinced that he needs to buy some Core 4 for himself! lol We went to Bass Pro yesterday & he actually tried some of it on, although he was a little embarrassed.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Love the Rut!!

I had one of my most exciting and memorable hunts the other night! I was hunting in a ground blind, with Jared filming. I put out a Code Blue Temptation with doe estrus and got in the blind. It wasn't 10 minutes before a spike walked right out to the scent. Jared didn't even have the camera set up yet. The spike finally walked off & about 20 minutes later, 7 turkeys came out at 25 yards. They left after a few minutes but then came back out at 12 yards so I shot it with my bow. My FIRST turkey!!
About 5 minutes after that, a 7 point walked out to the Temptation at 27 yards, perfect broadside & I got him. He's not a monster, but it makes for a pretty good story & Jared got it all on film!! So stay tuned, these may also be on Deep Woods Adventures!!
(By the way, that Code Blue temptation really did its job! As we were doing the post interview after I found my buck, 3 more smaller bucks were also walking out to the scent!)
I did all of this wearing my new favorite SHE clothing: the SHE Cat Skinz, and the SHE Classic Pant & Jacket (which is only available at Bass Pro). My favorite thing about these is how quiet and easy they are to move in. That is extremely important, especially when hunting in the ground blind, which was cramped with me, Jared, & the camera equipment.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Deep Woods Adventures

I had so much fun bow hunting in Oklahoma with Deep Woods Adventures on opening weekend. I shot my first doe EVER & a 10 point! The doe was about 15 yards away & the buck at 20. I saw several nice bucks there, but I wanted to wait for a better one to come in. My 10 point came into the food plot we were hunting over on my last night in Oklahoma. I actually had to draw back on him several times because he kept turning around to where I couldn't get a shot. Finally, he turned broadside at about 10 minutes until dark. Nothing like waiting until the last minute! lol It was a lot of fun, but he definitely made me work for it!
When I shot my doe, I was wearing SHE Cat Skinz, the short sleeve Jersey tee, and my new favorite SHE clothes: SHE Classic Fleece Pant & Jacket. They are warm, comfortable, easy to move in, & most importantly QUIET! You can only get them at Bass Pro & they are only $49 each.
Be sure to check out DWA's website: The show will air on the Sportsman Channel in June 2011!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cat Skinz and Core 2

I tried my new Cat Skinz and Core 2 pant & jacket (with Scent-Lok) out this morning for the first time & loved them! It was pretty cool this morning (in the 50's), was raining & really windy. The C2 was perfect for this kind of rainy/windy weather since it is waterproof & windproof. And paired with the Cat Skinz, it was perfect for the temperature. I definitely recommend trying these out if you haven't already!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Opening Day

Well yesterday was opening day of bow season here in southern Missouri. It has been a little too warm for my taste (about 90 degrees), so I'm ready for it to cool off! I hunted in a new stand location over a little pocket field that we planted in wheat. I saw a lot of deer & I think this will be one of my new favorite stands!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Scent Control

Scent control is very important when hunting. Here are several things that I do to help control my scent so that way I can get closer to bucks:
1) I wash all of my hunting clothes & accessories (gloves, hats, socks, etc) with a scent free, or dirt scented laundry detergent, and use Hunters Specialties "Fresh Earth" dryer sheets.
2) Once I wash & dry my clothes, I don't just hang them up or fold them & put them in a dresser. I have a "scent free" bag that I keep all of them in. I put a couple of scent wafers in the bag & I spray all of the clothes with scent spray before putting them in it. (My favorite scent is Fresh Earth.)
3) I don't like to put all of my camo on until after I get out of the truck on our hunting land. I usually just put on my base layer & take my bag of clothes with me to put on once I am out of the truck. Then I spray myself down with scent-away before heading to my stand.
4) Another thing that is very important, is that YOU are as clean & as scent free as possible. I shower with the scent-away shampoos & soaps, & even use the scent-away body gels, deodorant, toothpaste & mouthwash, & chapstick.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

More shooting tips

I just thought I would share some more bow shooting tips since Bow season is less than a month away now!

1) When you practice shooting, shoot at a smaller dot on your target. It will make you a better shot than if you shoot at the bigger ones. I always shoot better at the smaller ones anyways because I have to concentrate harder on it.

2) One thing that I try to never do is shoot my bow when I'm tired or sleepy. I never shoot good when I do, and it usually just makes me develop bad habits.

3) This one kind of ties in with #2: I always quit shooting my bow if my arm starts to get shaky. It just makes me shoot worse & develop bad habits. One thing I've done that helps me with not getting shaky as quick is I only shoot 2 arrows at a time. I used to shoot 3, but I found that I always was a little shaky by the time I shot the 3rd arrow & wouldn't shoot as good. (I'm weak, I

4) Try this to see if you are pulling too much weight with your bow: Get your bow and sit down in a chair. Pull your feet up to where they aren't touching the ground & pull your bow back. If you struggle too much or can't get it back, then you are pulling too much weight. I only shoot about 45 lbs and really all you need is 40! I would hate to be in a tree stand and have a big buck walk by and not be able to pull back my bow!

Well, that's all for now! Email me with any questions you have @ If I don't have the answer for your question, I will find someone who does!

Friday, August 13, 2010


Jared & I love shooting our bows together. (I'm the one on the right) He also fletched some arrows for me with hot pink & camo fletchings, which I love :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Fall Classic

It's kinda hard to see, but those little people up there are Lee & Tiffany!! We got to see them at Bass Pro this weekend! I also got a SHE Outdoor Apparel fleece jacket & pant that I Love for only $49 a piece. I'm pretty excited to wear them in early bow season (which starts Sept. 15th here...not too far away!) A couple of things I love about them is that they are so comfortable and easy to move in! I think you can only get them at Bass Pro, so if you want them I suggest heading over to BP before the classic is over on the 22nd!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Shooting Tips

Bow season is coming soon, so I just wanted to share a few bow shooting tips that I have learned while practicing. I am having to work a little harder this year at my shooting than normal. The bow that I have had for the last couple years turned out to have a draw length that was too long for me. My husband and I didn't know it at the time, and wondered why I was having some trouble shooting. It had caused me to develop a lot of bad habits, mostly not being able to find my anchor point. Anyways, to make a long story short, I ended up selling that bow and bought a new one that was the right draw length for me. Now that I have a bow that fits right, I have been shooting SO much better, but I'm still trying to get rid of my bad habits that I developed.

Consistency is the most important thing when shooting your bow. You have to do the same steps the same way every time you shoot. I think these tips are good for any bow shooter, whether they are new at it, or have been doing it for a long time:

1)I had a kisser put on my bow to help me hit the same spot in the corner of my mouth every time. Then I make sure I am also hitting the right spot in the corner of my nose, and make sure my wrist is kind of touching my neck (That's just another thing that helps me make sure I'm anchoring in the right spot)

2)For some reason, I would always grip my bow too hard when shooting, so I put a wrist strap on there, just to remind me that I don't have to grip so hard. So far, that has worked well for me.

3) My major problem is flinching. I often catch myself anticipating the shot. A few things I have done to try and fix this is stand really close to the target and get ready to shoot. Once I am ready, I close my eyes and just try to imagine myself squeezing the release as slowly as I can. This kinda helps me to calm down and relax. Another thing I do is, once I'm full draw, anchored, and ready to shoot, I kind of pull back just a little harder on the string. This helps to keep me a little steadier and not flinch.

I repeat these steps to myself in my head each time I shoot, and it has helped me do so much better this year!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


A couple of other things I'm excited about:
I'm really excited to try these out this fall. Especially the Cat Skinz! Layers are important to stay warm when hunting, but I can't stand for my layers to be bulky. The Cat Skinz should be a great base layer, and the Mock Turtleneck should be a perfect midlayer since it's not bulky or baggy!
Cat Skinz
Mock Turtleneck

Trail Cameras

Getting excited for bow season!!!
Here are a few of the bucks that we've seen on our game cameras this year. Jared and I usually put our game cameras up sometime in the early summer & start watching them to see what we've got. I remember seeing all of these bucks hunting last year and passing on them. We actually have a bachelor group of about 8 decent bucks that we have been seeing on our camera every night. So it looks like I need to keep shooting my bow every night :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

New Bow

I just thought I would share a few pics of me shooting my new Mathews Passion!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Core 4 Beanie

I absolutely LOVE this beanie for 3 reasons: 1) The slot for your ponytail. 2) It's waterproof and 3) Its wind resistant, which means it's super warm!
My favorite thing about this is that there's no ponytail bulge...It makes it super comfy :)

Long Sleeve V-Neck Jersey

I like to wear this between my base layer and mid layer to get just a little added warmth. It's perfect for early bow season, but I actually wear it all season long. I like that it's lightweight and not baggy, like the shirts of Jared's that I used to wear.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My 2nd Bow Kill

Outfit: SHE Safari's Core 4 Pant & Jacket; C4 Beanie; Fleece Pullover; & Long Sleeve Jersey
(We took the pics the next morning, so I didn't have on my SHE for the pics)

This was probably my most exciting hunt. I hunted one evening, really not expecting to see much. I was about to get down when I saw several does walk out in the field behind me, probably at about 100 yards. Then I saw 2 bucks come out behind them. They started chasing the does and they ran right behind me. I was hunting on the edge of the woods overlooking a small food plot. Hoping that one of the bucks would come my way, I grunted a couple times and used my doe estrous can. This 7 point came right to me, about 10 yards from my stand, and I shot him.
Jared and I came back later that evening to track him, and we found him not far from my stand. That was the first time that I had been able to call in a buck worth shooting. We had been watching this one on our game cameras for several years and he really wasn't getting much bigger, so it was time for him to go!
This was also the first deer I killed wearing my new SHE Camo. One thing I really hate when I'm hunting is getting cold, especially because I start shivering and have actually scared deer off because of that. My new C4 really kept me warm and comfortable. Plus I was able to move a lot better, which helped me shoot better.

Andrea's SHE hunts blog

Hey ladies! I made this blog to share my love for hunting, the outdoors, and SHE Outdoor Apparel.

I have been deer hunting for about 4 years now. Within that time I've managed to kill 3 deer (all bucks): 1 with a rifle and 2 with a bow. Before SHE Safari, I really had no choice but to wear my husband's hunting clothes, which were big & bulky, noisy, and uncomfortable. I was so excited when Jared told me about a commercial he saw on the Outdoor Channel for SHE Safari's women's hunting clothes!

I ordered the Core 4 Pant and Jacket right away and LOVE them! I seriously did not get cold at all when hunting, even in late bow season. They are waterproof and wind resistant, and I love the higher collar on the jacket. Once I tried them I ordered some of their other products: C4 Beanie, Fleece Pullover, and the Long Sleeve V-Neck Jersey (I will write about them later...Or you can check out my SHE hunts FB page for more info on these.) And, I can't wait to try their new Core 2 Pant and Jacket, which should be perfect for early bow season and turkey season.

If you haven't tried any of the SHE products yet, I highly recommend it! Keep checking back here to find out what I think of the other SHE products. I also plan on posting pictures and stories about my hunts, hunting tips and advice, and whatever else you'd like to hear!